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Showing 73–108 of 112 results


  • Developing Your Executive Presence

    This course is going to provide you with the boost you might need to get the most out of your inter-personal skills as you develop yourself into an executive with presence that will be the marvel of your coworkers and others you meet. It will help you consider the first impressions you make on others, your interpersonal skills, your speaking and listening skills, plus sharpens your leadership skills.
  • Anger Management: Understanding Anger

    This course will help you identify how anger is affecting you. You will also learn about the anger process, trigger thoughts, behavior types, and coping strategies.
  • Managing Pressure and Maintaining Balance

    This course will teach you about the causes and costs of workplace pressure, the benefits of creating balance, and how to identify pressure points. You will also learn how to apply emotional intelligence, increase optimism and resilience, and develop strategies for getting ahead.
  • Respect in the Workplace

    After you complete this course, you will be able to: Define and deal with bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination, Identify and address unconscious bias, Identify power dynamics in the workplace, Be empowered as a bystander to take effective action, Understand and manage common emotions in the workplace, Understand mental health outcomes of prolonged or unaddressed disrespectful behavior, and Foster respect in your workplace.
  • Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure

    This course will take you through preparing an effective presentation. Topics include planning your speech, identifying your audience, connecting with the listener, developing key themes and sentences, structuring your ideas, and managing nervousness and body language. You’ll focus on short responses and learn ways to expand a basic presentation.
  • Working Smarter: Using Technology to Your Advantage

    In this course, you’ll learn how to use technology to your advantage. Computers, various types of applications, software purchases, technical training, IT budgets, security, privacy, usage policies, ergonomics, instant messaging, and telecommuting are all covered.
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation

    In this course, you will identify ways to develop your creative side and build a creative environment. You’ll also learn a basic problem-solving process, individual creative thinking tools (such as the RAP model, shoe swap technique, mind mapping, metaphors, and toys), and team-based creative thinking tools (such as brainstorming, brainwriting, rolestorming, the stepladder technique, and slip writing).
  • Advanced Project Management

    In this course, you will focus on two areas of advanced project management. The first area is advanced project management techniques, such as communication plans and status meetings. The second area is general management skills, such as building a winning team and rewarding team members.
  • Safety in the Workplace

    After you complete this course, you will be able to: Understand the difference between a safety program and a safety culture, Use resources to help you understand the regulations in your area, Launch a safety committee, Identify hazards and reduce them, Apply hiring measures that can improve safety, Explain what a safety training program will involve, Identify groups particularly at risk for injury and know how to protect them, Help your organization write, implement, and review a safety plan, Respond to incidents and near misses, Understand the basics of accident investigation and documentation.
  • Project Management Training: Understanding Project Management

    This in-depth course will take you through all aspects of project management. First, you will consider what a project is and what a project manager does. Then, you will work through the four stages of the project life cycle: conceptual, planning, execution, and termination. You will also learn some supporting skills, like teamwork, communication, and presentation.
  • Honing and Delivering Your Message

    Learn how to clarify your message and how to present it, successfully communicate your message, and ensure your listeners hear what you want to get across to them with the Honing and Delivering Your Message course.
  • Women and Leadership: Owning Your Strengths and Skills

    At the end of this course you will understand a brief history and evolution of women and leadership. You will recognize leadership barriers, how to handle them, and use them to create benefits. You will know about social and emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. You will be able to develop a basic vision and brand for your leadership and understand essential leadership skills. You will also examine decision making and create a workplace philosophy statement and action plan.
  • Creating a Dynamite Job Portfolio

    In this course, you’ll learn about the different aspects of your job package, including your resume, cover letter, and job portfolio. You’ll also receive a plan that will get you to a job in 60 days, techniques for writing thank-you notes, and tips for choosing your references.
  • Disability Awareness: Working with People with Disabilities

    This course will assist with welcoming people with disabilities into workplaces, learning how to Interact with people with disabilities, identify and overcome barriers in the workplace, use respectful, appropriate, acceptable language in any circumstance, understand appropriate interaction during the hiring and interviewing process, and understand what job accommodation is and how it applies in a workplace.
  • Process Improvement with Gap Analysis

    You will learn how to embrace Process Improvement with Gap Analysis during this course which provides you with the knowledge of what gap analysis is, examples, templates, and the guidance to implement an analysis in your situation.
  • Project Management: All You Need to Know

    Upon completion of this course you will have developed valuable new skills that will allow you to competently manage a project. You will come away from this course knowing about project management basics and how to being project planning. You will learn about the project life cycle and project planning documents. You’ll learn about communications and how to deal changes and project tracking and also how to conduct status meetings. The course wraps up with a look at closing your project.
  • Public Speaking: Presentation Survival School

    After you complete this course, you will be able to establish rapport with your audience, implement techniques to reduce nervousness and fear, understand your strengths as a presenter and how to appeal to different types of people, recognize how visual aids can create impact and attention, develop techniques to create a professional presence, learn some different ways to prepare and organize information, and prepare, practice, and deliver a short presentation.
  • Business Ethics for the Office

    In this course, you will learn what the terms ethics, morals, and values mean. Then, you will learn about several different ethical frameworks, including Kohlbergs six stages, philosophical approaches, personal values, and codes of ethics. You will also learn how to avoid ethical dilemmas, make ethical decisions, handle common ethical dilemmas, and recover from mistakes.
  • Employee Accountability

    You will begin this course by exploring what accountability is all about and some recent events that have caused people to look at accountability more closely. Then, you’ll learn ways to build accountability and ownership in your organization and make yourself more accountable. Supporting skills, like goal setting, feedback, and delegation, are also covered.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    Here you will learn how to recognize a positive work environment and understand the key elements that are needed to create one. You will also discover what you can do personally to build on in your workplace and figure out what type of team player you are. Along the way you will be shown the importance of effective workplace relationships in creating and maintaining a positive environment at work. You will also reveal your personal strengths and weaknesses in working cooperatively and your preference for dealing with workplace conflict.
  • Building Better Teams

    After you complete this course, you will be able to understand the value of working as a team, develop team norms, ground rules, and team contracts ,identify your team player style and how it can be used effectively with your own team, build team trust, identify the stages of team development and how to help a team move through them, recognize the critical role communication skills will play in building and maintaining a team atmosphere, and identify ways that team members can be involved and grow in a team setting.
  • Call Center Training: Sales and Customer Service Training for Call Center Agents

    In this course, you will learn how to present yourself appropriately on the telephone. You will also learn tips for saying “no,” giving bad news, selling on the phone, overcoming objections, dealing with difficult customers, taking messages, and managing voice mail. We will also share a basic telephone script that you can customize.
  • Lean Process Improvement

    This course will teach you the foundations of Lean through the Toyota precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, waste, variation, complexity, and continuous improvement). Then, you will learn about tools to perform continuous improvement in your organization, including 5S, 5W-2H, PDSA, DMAIC, Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu, and Lean data mapping methods.
  • Building an Online Business

    This course will lead you from your idea to your online business. It will take a look at important components such as business plans and marketing while touching upon payments, online marketplaces, and much more. With those topics covered you will have the skills to become an online entrepreneur.
  • Successfully Managing Change

    This course covers how to manage and cope with change and how to help those around you, too. Topics explored include understanding, accepting and reacting to change; and strategies for assisting with change to be accepted and implemented in the workplace.
  • Getting Stuff Done: Personal Development Boot Camp

    To start this course, you’ll explore what personal efficiency is all about, as well as useful attitudes and skills that you might want to develop. Then, you’ll outline your vision statement, dreams, and goals. Next, you’ll learn about the 80/20 system, what characteristics your organizational system should have, how to design a functional workspace, and techniques for organizing your daily to-do items. You’ll also learn how to set up and maintain information management systems (both physical and virtual), prioritize tasks, create routines, and tackle procrastination. Finally, you’ll learn how to get organized at home.
  • Time Management

    After you complete this course, you will be able to better organize yourself and your workspace for peak efficiency, understand the importance of, and the most useful techniques for, setting and achieving goals, plan and schedule your time efficiently, learn how to set priorities, discover the ingredients for good decision-making, learn what to delegate and how to delegate well, take control of things that can derail your workplace productivity, create order and get organized, and manage your workload.
  • Creativity In The Workplace

    After you complete this course, you will be able to, define creativity, identify the characteristics of a creative person, develop your creativity, understand the importance of creativity in the workplace, identify the benefits of creativity in the workplace, examine creative corporate cultures, foster creativity in the workplace, and apply brainstorming techniques.
  • Budgets and Managing Money

    To start this course, you will review the fundamentals of finance (including basic terms, generally accepted accounting principles, and financial roles in an organization). Then, you will learn about different types of budgets and a six-step budgeting process. You will also learn how to monitor budgets, perform basic ratio analysis, and compare investment opportunities.
  • Conference and Event Management

    After you complete this course, you will be able to: Plan a complete corporate event, including an agenda, budget, and goals, Keep your event on budget, Select an appropriate venue, Design a promotional plan, Determine whether partners, sponsors, and volunteers can help to make your event unforgettable, Select speakers and a master of ceremonies to add impact to your event, Engage your event participants, and Evaluate the process once it is all wrapped up.
  • Collaboration

    After completion of this course, you should understand the definition of collaboration, what it takes to work collaboratively with your colleagues and the advantages of collaboration. Obstacles to collaboration will be explored, and how to develop strategies to improve a collaborative work environment. As well, you will know the six steps to make collaboration work, and the difference between collaboration, cooperation and teamwork.
  • Writing for the Web

    This course will teach you how to design and structure web writing, create eye-catching headlines, develop user-friendly websites, add audio and video to your writing, and leverage search engine optimization to get noticed.
  • How to Become a Leader with Integrity

    At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand why integrity makes a powerful, lasting impact, Recognize and use the four ‘I’s of transformational leadership, Practice better self-leadership, Measure and develop your authenticity and transformational leadership, Develop charismatic behaviors and improve your skills of persuasion, and Learn how to transform others.