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  • Creative Thinking and Innovation

    In this course, you will identify ways to develop your creative side and build a creative environment. You’ll also learn a basic problem-solving process, individual creative thinking tools (such as the RAP model, shoe swap technique, mind mapping, metaphors, and toys), and team-based creative thinking tools (such as brainstorming, brainwriting, rolestorming, the stepladder technique, and slip writing).
  • Respect in the Workplace

    After you complete this course, you will be able to: Define and deal with bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination, Identify and address unconscious bias, Identify power dynamics in the workplace, Be empowered as a bystander to take effective action, Understand and manage common emotions in the workplace, Understand mental health outcomes of prolonged or unaddressed disrespectful behavior, and Foster respect in your workplace.
  • Advanced Project Management

    In this course, you will focus on two areas of advanced project management. The first area is advanced project management techniques, such as communication plans and status meetings. The second area is general management skills, such as building a winning team and rewarding team members.
  • Communication Strategies

    This course will teach you all about the various aspects of communication. You will learn about asking questions, probing for information, active listening, and body language. Supporting skills are also covered, such as self-esteem, building relationships with others, and assertiveness.
  • Transgender Employees: Creating an Inclusive Work Community

    In this course, you are going to learn about the importance and elements of safe inclusive workspaces for transgendered persons – those identifying as one gender but born into the body of the opposing gender. You will consider terminology, elements, policies, and resources to build and sustain a safe, inclusive environment for transgendered employees and increase the comfort level and productivity off all in your organization.
  • Managing Across Cultures

    During this course you will learn about cultures and how to integrate them into the workforce through effective communication and team building. In addition, you are going to be shown ways managing over a cross-cultural spectrum and building a multicultural organization by dipping into the global talent pool.
  • Anger Management: Understanding Anger

    This course will help you identify how anger is affecting you. You will also learn about the anger process, trigger thoughts, behavior types, and coping strategies.
  • Fundamentals of Writing

    Specific learning objectives include: how to write clearly, concisely, completely, and correctly; how to make sure words agree; how to recognize and use active voice; how to write proper sentences; how to use practical and inclusive language; how to use different punctuation marks; and, how to revise and proofread.
  • Public Speaking: Presentation Survival School

    After you complete this course, you will be able to establish rapport with your audience, implement techniques to reduce nervousness and fear, understand your strengths as a presenter and how to appeal to different types of people, recognize how visual aids can create impact and attention, develop techniques to create a professional presence, learn some different ways to prepare and organize information, and prepare, practice, and deliver a short presentation.
  • English as a Second Language: A Workplace Communications Primer

    This is an opportunity to review and enhance your proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. You will find that being aware of cultural and workplace influences will help keep them from creating barriers to communication. Practical information on selecting the right words, and combining them effectively to get your message across, will improve your verbal and written communication. Specific advice on email, videoconferencing, proposals, and selling your ideas will further improve your communication skills.
  • Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public

    After you complete this course, you will be able to: Speak with more confidence in one-on-one conversations, Feel more confident speaking socially or small groups such as meetings, and Practice developing these skills in a safe and supportive setting.
  • Team Building: Developing High Performance Teams

    After you complete this course, you will understand how to apply the TORI model, Tuckman and Jensen’s five stages of team development, and Glenn Parker’s 12 characteristics of effective teams to develop high-performance teams. You will also complete the Velsoft team player type assessment to help you identify how you behave in a team and how you can connect with others.
  • Disability Awareness: Working with People with Disabilities

    This course will assist with welcoming people with disabilities into workplaces, learning how to Interact with people with disabilities, identify and overcome barriers in the workplace, use respectful, appropriate, acceptable language in any circumstance, understand appropriate interaction during the hiring and interviewing process, and understand what job accommodation is and how it applies in a workplace.
  • Making Your Business Better

    This course demonstrates how various factors work together to ensure a company flourishes. Students will be guided through positioning and pricing, marketing, selling, negotiating, responding to RFQs, project management, team building, productivity, and strategic planning. Other courses that may be of interest to the student are Building Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills, Business Leadership, Business Ethics in the Office, Creating a Positive Work Environment, and Getting Stuff Done - Personal Development Boot Camp.
  • Vendor Management Essentials

    This course will take you through a Vendor Management process including outlining a Vendor Policy Document, developing Vendor Key Performance Indicators, assessing of potential vendor risk, describing components of a vendor contract, and monitoring the performance and relationship of vendors using questionnaires, form and auditing.
  • Networking for Success

    In this course, you will learn how to identify opportunities, create a positive first impression, develop a memorable intro, start conversations, shake hands well, handle business cards, manage sticky situations, follow up with others, and organize your network. You’ll also learn how to network in online spaces, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Coaching and Mentoring

    In this course, you will learn how coaching and mentoring differ from each other. You will also learn the key aspects of each skill as well as supporting skills (such as goal setting, communication, feedback techniques, and adult learning principles).
  • Employee Accountability

    You will begin this course by exploring what accountability is all about and some recent events that have caused people to look at accountability more closely. Then, you’ll learn ways to build accountability and ownership in your organization and make yourself more accountable. Supporting skills, like goal setting, feedback, and delegation, are also covered.
  • Conducting Accurate Internet Research

    This course is going to provide you with the skills you will need to get the most of an Internet search. You will learn where to look for information, how to find it, and the types of information that you can, and cannot, find online. It looks at the surface web and then takes you further in your searching skills to the deep web.
  • Stress Management

    This course will teach you some different ways to look at stress, ways to take care of yourself to reduce the stress that you feel, and coping techniques. You will also learn some time management and organizational tips to help you work smarter.
  • Emotional Intelligence

    This course will introduce you to the history of emotional intelligence and what it’s all about. You’ll explore the most popular theories, including the EI blueprint, Martin Seligman’s ABC’s of optimism, the VALUE and SOLER techniques, Ekman’s seven basic emotions, and Plutchik’s wheel. You’ll also explore your personal values and vision statement to help guide you in your emotional intelligence development.
  • Skills You Need for Workplace Success

    Upon completing this course, you are going to know approaches to be an effective team member, how it feels to experience change and ways to be flexible in times of change and to approach problem solving. You will also identify tips to giving and receiving feedback, learn ways to recognize self-confident behaviors in the workplace and learn a three-step process to building self-confidence.
  • Purchasing and Procurement Basics

    In this course, you will learn the basics of purchasing and procurement. You’ll receive an introduction to the supply chain, the purchasing cycle, and basic purchasing tools. You’ll also learn about the competitive bidding process, how to manage supplier performance, risk management techniques, and ways to build relationships.
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what bullying is and what it can cost an organization. You will also learn how to protect yourself from bullying, what to do if you are bullied, and what to do if you witness bullying.
  • Business Writing That Works

    This course will teach you how to write and proofread your work so it is clear, concise, complete, and correct, how to apply these skills in real world situations, how to use language that is courteous, how to use the proper format for memos, letters, and emails, and how to determine whether your writing can be easily understood by your intended audience.
  • Conflict Resolution: Getting Along In The Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what conflict is all about. You will also learn about different types of conflict, stages of conflict, helping others through conflict, and creating win/win solutions. As a bonus, you will also learn supporting skills, such as communication, active listening, and body language.
  • Workplace Harassment: What It Is and What to Do About It

    After completing this course, you will be able to identify acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the workplace, apply the benefits of harassment training, define the various types of harassment, assist in the creation of a harassment policy, understand ways to prevent and protect yourself from harassment, know what to do if you are the target of harassment or are accused of harassment, understand the complaint process, and how to help your workplace adjust after a harassment incident.
  • Lean Process Improvement

    This course will teach you the foundations of Lean through the Toyota precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, waste, variation, complexity, and continuous improvement). Then, you will learn about tools to perform continuous improvement in your organization, including 5S, 5W-2H, PDSA, DMAIC, Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu, and Lean data mapping methods.
  • Building Better Teams

    After you complete this course, you will be able to understand the value of working as a team, develop team norms, ground rules, and team contracts ,identify your team player style and how it can be used effectively with your own team, build team trust, identify the stages of team development and how to help a team move through them, recognize the critical role communication skills will play in building and maintaining a team atmosphere, and identify ways that team members can be involved and grow in a team setting.
  • Successfully Managing Change

    This course covers how to manage and cope with change and how to help those around you, too. Topics explored include understanding, accepting and reacting to change; and strategies for assisting with change to be accepted and implemented in the workplace.
  • Time Management

    After you complete this course, you will be able to better organize yourself and your workspace for peak efficiency, understand the importance of, and the most useful techniques for, setting and achieving goals, plan and schedule your time efficiently, learn how to set priorities, discover the ingredients for good decision-making, learn what to delegate and how to delegate well, take control of things that can derail your workplace productivity, create order and get organized, and manage your workload.
  • Getting Your Job Search Started

    In this course, you will learn how to manage change, identify your values and skills, consider your vocation, find jobs, network, and set goals. Then, you should be ready to start the search for your dream job.
  • Building Relationships for Success in Sales

    This course will teach you how to leverage customer-focused selling, identify what influences relationships, expand your communication skills, manage your body language, develop a professional handshake, and grow your network.